Friday, September 20, 2024

The Fuel That Drives Me

I have been learning a great deal lately about the fuel for the Road Home.  It's a huge deal! But first let me ask you a question, dear reader. 

When you have encountered a need in your life, say a wound from your spouse or a son or daughter who refuses to listen and you come to the end of your rope, where do you turn? Whose counsel do you automatically seek? Friends? Pastors or church counselors? A professional counselor? A ministry offering help? All of these are good options I've used myself depending on the question and the circumstances. Yet, when we're done, when we have our answer, or our solution to walk out, don't you feel a certain emptiness about your soul? Don't you feel a pulling of the spirit toward those who gave you the help, desiring a further closeness and connection? 

Some people feel that desire for connection and it becomes a snare to them. They act on it and begin to cross lines, wanting to be friends or closer than that with those who professionally offer help but can't afford to connect in a personal way with every person they help. They are not merely unwilling but they are completely unable to affect a friendship with those who need that connection. If they were to try, they would not have any sort of a life, nor would they be able to continue helping others. 

There is a friend with whom we can connect in just such a way. This way, this need is a very human, understandable and intimate need. It cannot be met by any human. So who is left? Why the One Who created the need. We need a relationship with the Trinity, connecting with God the Father, whose omnipotence and omnipresence allows us to tap an inexhaustible supply of love and grace and peace to sustain us when we are lugubrious, overwrought, devoid and bereft of comfort and hope. We connect to that fantastic source through the person of Jesus Christ Whose death reconciled us to Him and Whose resurrection established His ultimate power over death and the grave. We interface with Jesus by the very real and living Holy Spirit, Whose power to connect and guide and direct and support drives all the wonderful things God does within us. The power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to speak to and through us is marvelous and makes my heart laugh and take joy at how He works. 

Is this real? Am I just babbling on about God? Maybe a little, but it is because I've connected with the very living God of the Angel Armies, the all-powerful One. I connect with Him and when I do, I fuel up! I get enough to go forward. But I don't go far without Him. I can't. Not in these times. The world either kills you or it drives you back to connect with God. The truth is, we all need Him, every bleeding day.☧